
Buying and Selling a Home can be stressful.  It’s my job is to minimize your stress and provide expertise and guidance from beginning to end and even be there for you after the transaction closes.    

Maybe you don’t even know if it is the right time for you to make a move.  Start the process by knowing the market and your numbers to help you decide.  Keep up with Market Trends by subscribing to my Monthly Newsletter (Sign Me Up)

If you own a home,
1) How much will your home sell for today?

2) Which updates will give you the most bang for your buck?
3) How is the market is trending? Is it the right time to be selling?
4) How is your neighborhood is trending. Sign up for my market watch report to keep up to date on your neighborhood (Sign me up for my Neighborhood Market Watch Report)
5) How much you owe on your home?
6) How much you will net on your home when you sell it?

If you are buying a home,
1) If you own a home, should you buy first or sell first? Everyone’s situation is different. I can guide you on what makes the most sense for you.

2) Talk to a Lender (It is never too early to chat with a lender.) 
They are a wealth of knowledge and can help with:
* Finding the best financing option for your needs.
* Showing you creative ways to find money for a down payment
* Repairing your credit, if needed
3) Set up a consultation with me so I can assist in helping you find the best neighborhoods that meet your needs and price range.

Know the facts before you start looking.  This will help you make the best decision for your situation and ensure you are ready when you do find that home of your dreams.

Call me today and I will help you start the next chapter in your life.



What Makes My Property Marketing Plan Different (and better)…

My exclusive marketing system is designed for sellers who understand the power of effective property marketing. Putting your home in the MLS and a sign in the yard is not going to get you top dollar for your home.

Creating a Plan for Success

I strongly believe that if you stage and market your home correctly, you will greatly increase your chance for success! I have made each and every one of my clients believers too. 

  1. Make sure your home stands out above the competition (Staging, Professional High-Quality photography, Professionally designed and printed marketing material).
  2. Make sure home appeals to the broadest range of buyers (Staging your home to appeal to a broader range of buyers will increase your showings and the chance for multiple offers on your home)
  3. Aggressive Marketing is Key – In today’s world, we need to market beyond traditional real estate marketing and across different platforms (Traditional Marketing, Print, Email, Social Media, TV, Single Property Websites) 

 Let me show you how I will get your home ready to sell and market too!